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सीएसआईओ पुरालेख >> पूर्व निविदाएं>> क्रय विभाग निविदा >>
S. No. Title Description Download
1 Tender No. CSIO/4(101)/2020-Pur

purchase of DMD Evaluation Module - No. CSIO/4(101)/2020-Pur - Click here Image Not Found[1912KB] (अंग्रेजी में)
2 Tender No. CSIO/4(52)/2019-Pur

Technical setting up Acoustic Anechoic Chamber facility
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3 Tender No. CSIO/4(56)/2019-Pur Image Not Found[458KB] (अंग्रेजी में)

Fabrication of following Components
1. Glass Retainer Ring (AI 606l-T6)
2. Housing(AI6061-T6)
3. Optics Mounting Plate {AI6061-T6)
4. SS Tube (SS)
5. L-861 Base Plate (A36 Steel) etc. as per
    attached Annexure-1
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4 Tender No. CSIO/4(37)/2019-Pur

Diode Laser
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5 Tender No. CSIO/4(30)/2019-Pur

Broadband Polarizing Cube Beamsplitter, Specification & Quantity of Components as per annexure attached
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6 Tender No. CSIO/4(29)/2019-Pur

Constant Current Regulator (CCR)
Click here Image Not Found[548KB] (अंग्रेजी में)
Tender No. CSIO/3(44)/2018-Pur

Procurement of    Multi-channel Electrochemical Workstation
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8 Tender No. CSIO/3(5)/2019-Pur

Motorized Linear Translation Stage, A compatible three-Channel Benchtop Stepper Motor Controller, Right angle bracket for constructing xz and XYZ stage assemblies with M6 Taps
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9 Tender No. CSIO/3(2)/2019-Pur

High Speed Camera
Click here Image Not Found[461KB] (अंग्रेजी में)
Tender No. CSIO/7(124)/2018-Pur

Glancing Angle Deposition (GLAD)
Click here Image Not Found[158KB] (अंग्रेजी में)

Last Updated on: 2019-07-25 14:52:07


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