क्रम संख्या / S.No.शीर्षक / Titleविवरण / Descriptionडाउनलोड / Download
CSIO/98/2024-25/Elect. /सीएसआईओ/98/2024-25/इलेक्ट.
Last Updated on: 2024-06-06 14:57:24
Relocation of Electrical Distribution Room at CSIR-CSIO, Sector 30 Chandigarh
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Tender lD:- 2024_CSIR_191962_1
Last Updated on: 2024-03-20 12:17:23
Annual maintenance contract for electrical work of lab, area buildings at CSIR CSIO Campus, Sector-30,chandigarh.
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Reference to the NIT No.04/19-20/Elect./CSIO/CHD
Last Updated on: 2019-07-09 17:48:01
Regarding online tenders for AMC of electrical work of CSIO Colony staff quarters
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